Spitting up is common and normal in babies. If it becomes more frequent or forceful, you should bring this to our attention. The most frequent cause of spitting up is improper burping. Burp your baby frequently, through out the feeding and after feedings. Babies also spit up because of overfeeding. You should not feed your child over four ounces at a feeding during the first few months of life.
More rarely, spitting up can be due to formula allergy or intolerance. If your child is on cow’s milk formula, spits every feeding and has intestinal gas and fussiness, we recommend switching your baby to a soybean type formula such as Prosobee or a hydrosolate formula such as Nutramigen LGG. If your child does not improve on the new formula, then you should bring your child in for an appointment. Projectile vomiting (vomiting which shoots out of the mouth under force) is abnormal. The baby should have an appointment to check this out (see section on vomiting). Pyloric stenosis, a potentially serious condition, needs to be ruled out.
Another way to help reduce spitting up is to keep your child upright for 30 to 45 minutes during and after feedings. This position will help to decrease the amount of spitting up. As long as your child is growing and developing well, is not having choking episodes or turning blue, and is not excessively irritable, spitting up is more of a nuisance than it is dangerous. If you have any questions about your child’s weight gain, the possibility of choking episodes or if your child is excessively irritable with spitting up, you should call the office for an appointment.