- The incidence of accidental poisoning greatly increases by this age. Poisons and toxic substances should be secure. In case of poisoning, refer to the poisoning section of this handbook. Syrup of Ipecac is no longer recommended for poisonings. In Little Rock, the phone number for poison control is 686-6161.
- If guns are kept in the home, safety precautions are crucial. You should lock up guns and place trigger locks on guns so that there is no possibility that your child can accidentally discharge the weapon. Ammunition should also be locked up in a separate location. It is a deadly mistake to keep loaded guns in a home with children present. Never allow a child to play with a gun even if it is known to be unloaded.
- Infants and children should not ride on motorized machinery with parents. These include lawn tractors, lawn mowers, all-terrain vehicles, farm vehicles, industrial equipment and other like machinery.
- Foods such as nuts, bacon, popcorn, chewing gum, hard candy, and hot dog like meats are dangerous because they can be aspirated into the lungs. They should never be given to young children.
- Plastic bags and un-inflated balloons can also cause aspiration and/or suffocation. Your young child should not be allowed to play with these.
- Continue placing your child in a child car safety seat. Make sure that the child car safety seat is the proper size for your child’s weight. Continue to avoid placing the car safety seat in an automobile seat which is equipped with an air bag.
- Babies should be protected from the possibility of drowning in a swimming pool.
- Continue to limit screen time.
Lead exposure can harm your child, slowing physical and mental growth and damaging many parts of the body. The most common way children get lead poisoning is by being around old house paint that is chipping or peeling. We recommend lead testing at one year of age if your child has any of the following risk factors:
- Lived in or regularly visited a house built before 1960. This could include a day care center, preschool, the home of a baby-sitter, etc. This is especially problematic if there is peeling or chipping paint.
- Lived in or regularly visited a house built before 1960 with recent, ongoing, or planned renovation or remodeling.
- Had a brother or sister, house-mate, or playmate with lead poisoning.
- Has taken or is taking folk remedies which contain lead.
- Lived in a home with plumbing that has lead pipes or copper pipes with lead solder joints.
- Lived with an adult whose job or hobby involves exposure to lead, such as refinishing furniture, making pottery or stained glass, or working in any of the industries listed in the next statement.
- Lived near a lead smelter, battery plant, car repair shop, glass or pipe factory, or other industry likely to release lead.
At this age we begin a series of computerized developmental checklists for various ages with a tool called Ages and Stages. This checklist helps us monitor your child’s development. Ages and Stages is administered through a website called CHADIS. We will provide a link to your Ages and Stages Questionnaire before your nine month checkup.