A large part of our job as a pediatrician is to help prevent medical problems in kids and discover medical problems at the earliest possible stage to minimize harm to the child. This page links you to our health supervision advice. Check up visits, accident prevention, day care, discipline, growth, development, and immunizations are covered here.  Please see the menu below for topics covered.

Athletic Physicals

We do athletic physical exams for our student athletes.  During these exams, we ask certain important screening questions prior to athletic participation and do a detailed physical exam.  You can save time during an athletic physical exam by downloading our form and filling it out before your office visit.  Click on the following file name to download our form:  Athletic physical form.pdf

Check up Visits

An important part of our health supervision for a child is the check up visit.  A check up is an appointment with one of our physicians in which the topics of the visit are measurements of growth, evaluation of development, management of chronic medical problems, discussions about accident prevention, nutrition counselling, sometimes screening laboratory work and a screening physical exam.   During these visits immunizations are given according to the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American College of Immunizations Practices (ACIP).  The schedule of these visits are available by clicking here.  We intend for you to follow the recommended schedule for the optimal health of your child.  During the first year of life there are seven check up visits, five of which includes visits with immunizations.  There are three visits in the second year of life.   After the second year of life, check up visits are done on a yearly basis.

Part of our job as a pediatrician in your child’s health supervision is stressing accident prevention.  Because there is not enough time in a check up visit to go over all the needed preparations that a parent should make to keep their child safe, we have placed this information on this website and in our printed handbook for you to read.

Accidents are the leading cause of death in children and adolescents. Most of these deaths are preventable. A few simple measures taken now to prevent accidents can save your child’s life or prevent major injuries. Accident prevention for your child should begin on the day he or she is born.  Please see the side menu for more information for specific ages.

Immunizations are another very important part of keeping your child healthy.  Getting your child fully immunized right on schedule is crucial to prevent life threatening illnesses.  Because of a growing mistrust of the safety of vaccines in our country, we urge you to read about vaccine safety by clicking here.

Car Safety Seat

Day Care

Discipline and Family Relationships

Growth and Developmental Milestones

Home Medications


Click on the following link for one of the best websites on vaccine safety.  This site was developed by Dr. Paul Offit, the chief of the infectious disease section of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The information is excellent.   http://www.chop.edu/service/vaccine-education-center/vaccine-safety/

Recommended Books

Helpful Links

American Academy of Pediatrics:  www.aap.org

American Academy of Pediatrics Parents web site:  www.healthychildren.org/English/Pages/default.aspx
General information on kids health issues:  www.kidshealth.org

Baptist Health Medical Center: www.baptist-health.org
Arkansas Children’s Hospital: www.archildrens.org

Parenting Information-Center for Effective Parenting: www.parenting-ed.org
Product Safety and Recalls: www.cpsc.gov
CDC Traveler’s Health: www.cdc.gov/travel
Centers for Disase control:  www.cdc.gov
Arkansas Department of Health: http://www.healthyarkansas.com
Mayo Clinic Medical Information: www.mayoclinic.com
WebMD: www.webmd.com