ATTENTION CIGNA PATIENTS: Cigna mistakenly dropped Dr. Jerry Byrum and Dr. Ashley Halpain from their network and reassigned their patients to other PCPs. If your child was affected by this mistake, you must contact Cigna to have them reassigned back to Dr. Byrum or Dr. Halpain. They will retroactively pay for any visits your child needs to make during this time to either Dr. Byrum or Dr. Halpain. Dr. Byrum has been corrected by Cigna, but they are still working on Dr. Halpain. We have been told Dr. Halpain should be corrected by end of next week. We apologize for the hassle of you changing the PCP back to your doctor, but Cigna told us there was no way for them to correct their error of reassigning the patients affected. To change your PCP back to Dr. Byrum or Dr. Halpain either:
Please call our office at 501-224-5437 and ask for Patient Accounts if you have any questions or problems. Sorry for the inconvenience! |