COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates2022-01-15T16:29:36-06:00

If you think that your child might be infected with Coronavirus, please contact us at (501) 224-5437 and ask to speak with one of our nurses.  You will be given instructions on what to do regarding testing.  We do Coronavirus testing at our office with an accurate molecular SARS-CoV-2 test, the Abbott ID Now testing platform.  This is an accurate molecular test which is used primarily for people who are sick with Coronavirus.  We can also arrange for an even more accurate PCR type test at Arkansas Children’s Hospital for people who are exposed and yet have no symptoms.  You can find out more information by clicking on our Corona virus page.

If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, do not come to our office for Coronavirus treatment.   A nurse will be screening all visitors to the clinic. For mild symptoms, it is best to stay at home and use our common cold guidelines to treat this illness:  Tylenol for fever, and extra fluids to prevent dehydration.   Almost all young children fall into the category of mild disease.  If your child has COVID-19 and also has a chronic medical condition such as described by the CDC here, please schedule a telemedicine visit with us to discuss the situation.  In the rare event that your child develops severe Coronavirus disease symptoms such as shortness of breath, dehydration, confusion or feeling faint, like they might pass out, call 911 or go to the Arkansas Children’s Hospital emergency room.  Please call the ACH ER prior to arrival to tell them of your emergency to get instructions on how to enter the emergency room.

New CDC guidance for quarantine and isolation can be found here:

Here is a return to play decision diagram following COVID-19 illness in athletes from the American Academy of pediatrics:

The Arkansas Activities Association form for return to play can be accessed here:

Here are some helpful links about COVID-19:


Reviewed 1/13/2022 by Dr. Byrum

April 2020

Telemedicine Physician for Saturday Clinic April 18, 2020

By |April 18th, 2020|COVID-19, Uncategorized|

On Saturday, April 11, 2020, our Saturday morning “walk in” sick visit clinic was closed until further notice.  This closing is due to a very low utilization of this clinic by our patients due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  Our on-call physician will be available for telemedicine visits on Saturday mornings from 9:00 am until 11:30 am.  A sign will be posted [...]

March 2020

Dr. Salman

By |March 26th, 2020|COVID-19|

Dr. Salman will be out of the clinic for the time being but is EXCITED to offer telemedicine  appointments on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Call our clinic at 501-224-5437 to schedule this appointment. For well child appointments or children who need to be seen in clinic, one of our other physicians would be happy to see your child at our clinic.

Check in Process Changes

By |March 25th, 2020|COVID-19|

All for Kids Pediatric Clinic has added additional protection for our patients whether you are coming in for the Well Child visits in the morning or the sick clinic in the afternoon - You will find a stop sign at the front door with instructions to call and check in. Office staff will ask some screening questions, take the phone number [...]

All For Kids Telemedicine visits

By |March 23rd, 2020|COVID-19|

Today, Monday, March 23, 2020 we will begin offering Telemedicine visits.  These visits use a cell phone, tablet or computer to connect us to you with an audio and video connection.  This is a secure, HIPPA compliant connection.  The types of visits that are appropriate for telemedicine visits include: Colds, Flu follow up Conjunctivitis (pink eye) Feeding issues Vomiting and diarrhea [...]

Our clinic schedule has changed!

By |March 16th, 2020|COVID-19, Uncategorized|

Dear Patients and Parents of All For Kids Pediatric Clinic, This has been quite a ride these past four days as more people in Arkansas are becoming infected with the novel coronavirus. Because of changing risks due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are making changes to how we are operating as a clinic. These changes are being put in place to [...]

UPDATE on Coronovirus

By |March 12th, 2020|COVID-19, Uncategorized|

During Governor Hutchinson's news conference today, several updates were given in addition to some different resources.  The suggestions were that the last two places you need to be are in a crowded ER or crowded clinic waiting rooms.  The following are the resources that UAMS and Arkansan Children's Hospital are offering: UAMS - They have a separate triage center if [...]

COVID-19 (Corona Virus 2019) is now in Arkansas! Don’t Panic! We are here to help!

By |March 11th, 2020|COVID-19, Uncategorized|

Our physicians at All For Kids pediatric clinic have been watching the current worldwide coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We have watched it inch closer and closer to our state. As of this writing, just today, we have our first active case of coronavirus in Arkansas. This event has triggered this post. The infection is rapidly spreading across the world from its origin [...]

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